Photo of Baron Arias Dominican Republic

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Born in Santo Domingo. Graduate School of Fine Arts where he studied Fine Arts. During that period won several awards and a Sculpture Designs.

In E. IX Art Contest Leon Jimenez, held in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, won...

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Photo of Baron Arias Dominican Republic

Born in Santo Domingo. Graduate School of Fine Arts where he studied Fine Arts. During that period won several awards and a Sculpture Designs.

In E. IX Art Contest Leon Jimenez, held in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, won the Second Prize Drawing.

"Painters Dominicano. Panama.
Current Chart Santo Domingo. Museum of Modern Art.
"Dominican-Puerto Rican Cultural Exchange. San Juan de Puerto Rico.
"Artists from the Dominican Republic. Hotel Sheraton.
"Latin American Contemporary Art. Madrid, Spain.
"Dominicans in New York Painters. New York, USA.
Exhibition of drawings with Roberto Flores. Arawak Gallery.
"Homage to Contemporary Plastic Cotal Doninicana 82. Casa de Bastidas
"Painters Exhibition Dominicans. The John Jay College, Wall Gallery.
"Absent Artists Collective Expo. Museum of Modern Art
"XII Bienal of Art. Museum of Modern Art.
"Collective Expo XI Festival of Caribbean Culture. Santiago de Cuba.
"VI Latin American Art Biennial. Mexico City.
"Homage National School of Fine Art. Palace of Fine Arts.
"Salon de Mai. Maison Art, Art Gallery.
"15 Painters and Sculptors of Villa Juana. Doors Gallery Artists.

Solo Exhibitions:
1976 Exhibition of Drawings. Gallery Giotto.
1977 Exhibition of Drawings. Picture Gallery.
1980 Exhibition of Drawings. Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano
1988 Exhibition of Paintings. Gallery Arawak
1991 Exhibition of Paintings. Casa de Bastidas
Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif; color: 999900; font-size: small; "> 2007 Exhibition of Paintings. House Italy

Artist Bibliography:
Dominican History of Painting. By Jeannette Miller.
Painting in the Dominican. Danilo de los Santos.
Contemporary Dominican Art. By Gary Nicolas Nader.
Dominican Arts Encyclopedia. For Candido Geron.
Catalog About Latin American Artists. Period 1900-1990. Madrid Spain.
Memory Dominican Painting 1970-1986. Danilo de los Santos.

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